Course introduction

My mother and I started working on this course last year, and it has definitely brought us closer together. It's helped me understand some of the changes that she's going through, and enabled us to talk about a lot of different subjects that most people would rather not discuss as we get older. I'm in my late 40's now, but I still feel like I'm in my early 30's most days. My mother is very active, and although she's in her 60's, she still acts like a 40 year old most days. There are some days, though, when she's noticing some limitations. It's been good to talk through things as we build this class together, and I truly believe that our course is going to help you develop a solid security awareness plan that will fit your changing lifestyle.

This course was created to empower you, and to help you create a more safe and secure environment for yourself and your family. During this course, we will help you increase your overall security awareness, and teach you tips on how to secure your environment.

Criminals will always commit crimes, and they will normally go for the easiest target possible. We want to help you increase your security posture, and make you a harder target for criminals. If you're a harder target, they will normally commit their crimes elsewhere.

One thing that we NEVER want to do is increase your level of fear.

"God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind." - 2 Timothy 1:7

We firmly believe that here in the Trinity Group, and we want to teach you things that will help you grow that spirit of power, love, and sound mind.

  • We will help empower you by teaching you techniques that make you less of a target for criminals.
  • We will help you express your love for your family by giving you techniques to keep all of them safe.
  • We will help you in your sound mind by providing you techniques that will make you stronger mentally so that you can deal with stressful situations.

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