Criminals don't think the same way that we do

First off, this is not going to be an in-depth course on the criminal mind. The intent here is for you to understand some guiding truths and principles that shape the way that criminals think. Understanding a few key items can help us create a better plan to avoid bad situations, thwart their activities, and make ourselves less of a target.

There are many different types of crimes and criminals, and there are countless books on their activities and motivations. For the purpose of this course, we will concentrate on some of the more common criminals, because those are the ones that you are most likely to encounter.

As we mentioned before, criminals do NOT think the same way that we do, and that holds true for thieves, burglars, and other common criminals. They are constantly looking for ways to use people, take advantage of situations, or exploit vulnerabilities.

Criminals are looking for easy targets. What's an easy target?

Let's put it this way. If you were walking down a hallway, and you saw a plate of chocolate chip cookies sitting on a table in the middle of a completely empty room, would you be tempted to take one? I know that I might be tempted, and I'm not even a criminal. That's an EASY TARGET!

What if that same plate was in the middle of a room with a sign that read "DO NOT TAKE COOKIES" and there was a security camera, would you still be tempted? Probably not. That target is a lot harder, AND you could always walk back down the hallway and take the other cookies.

What if that same plate was in a room with that same sign, a security camera, and a vigilant cook. Would you still be tempted? For the vast majority of us, the answer would be NO!

The same holds true for criminals. They just want the cookie, and they will walk down the hallway until they find the easiest target with the least likelihood of getting caught. Don't be an easy target.

Criminals follow some fairly simple patterns in their crimes.

Criminals typically focus on one or two different types of crimes. A thief that specializes in "smash and grab" type of crimes typically sticks to that operating method. If you hear of a certain type of crime that is happening in your area, then take some precautions against that specific type of crime. For example, if there's thief in your neighborhood that is smashing in car windows and grabbing whatever they can find, then take extra steps to ensure that your car isn't easily accessible (parked on the street), and also make sure that you remove ALL valuables. If they don't have anything to steal, they will typically move on to the next target.

** How do you find out about crimes in your area? If you live in a neighborhood, there is probably some type of Home Owners Association, neighborhood watch, or safety and security council. Participate in those meetings, and you will learn a lot about your neighborhood. You can also reach out to your local law enforcement personnel to see what kinds of crimes are more prevalent in your area. **

*** There are a few things that really need to be mentioned. Please understand that everything from above was focused on non-violent criminals. ***

Violent criminals are looking for prey. Whether that is someone who is just bullying people into giving them things, or that is someone who uses violence against others. Violent criminals are all looking for easy prey that they can exploit. You can overcome that! Even if you're physically weaker, there are things that you can do to make yourself a harder target.

Violent criminals cover a very vast range of activities, and they require a completely different set of actions. For the most part, if you are doing everything that you can to make yourself a hard target, they will seek easier victims to exploit. Once you are a target of a violent criminal, you really need to engage with local law enforcement as soon as possible.

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